  • 发布时间:2021年08月09日
  • 点击数:768




Project 1: semantic segmentation of lumbar CT

Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) is well presented in high-resolution CT. The segmentations of soft tissue (e.g. disc, nerve) could also benefit the surgical planning of spinal interventions. The dataset consists of 27 thin-layer lumbar CT with LDH, each containing at least 5 lumbar vertebrae. All images are stored in the nearly raw raster data (NRRD) format.

If you use this dataset in your work, you should cite the following paper:

Fan G., Liu H., Wu Z., Li Y., Feng C., Wang D., Luo J., Wells W M., He S., (2019). Deep Learning-Based Automatic Segmentation of Lumbosacral Nerves on CT for Spinal Intervention: A Translational Study. Am J Neuroradiol, 40, 1074-1081.


To obtain the dataset in this project, please send your request to the email: fanguoxin@sustech-hospital.com

To obtain the code in this project, you can directly click on https://github.com/Huatsing-Lau/Unet3D-bagging--CT-Spine-Segmentation
